Treat Thyroid Disorders Naturally
The thyroid gland is centered in the base of the neck and is responsible for making hormones that balance our growth, development, and metabolism. It is responsible for our metabolic rate, as well as regulating our body temperature and helping to break down cholesterol and carbohydrates. As we age, this system gets out of sync, and it can cause a great deal of discomfort!
Because of the many causes of thyroid disorders, the symptoms can vary greatly. Most symptoms are related to slow metabolism and include weight gain, feeling tired no matter how much sleep you get, constipation, feeling cold more often, brain fog, trouble with memory, and feelings of depression. You can even have complete opposite symptoms or some vague enough that you have accepted it as you’re “normal.” These symptoms can be severe enough to interfere with your relationships, career, and overall health. Luckily, we can reverse the effects of age related thyroid disorders and get you back to feeling great!